Sunday, January 23, 2011

Predictive Analytics Summit 2011: Innovations in Marketing Analytics, Social Media, Healthcare, Energy, and Optimization

I will be a feature speaker in the Predictive Analytics Innovation Summit 2011- San Diego – February, 24 & 25.   My topic will be innovation in marketing analytics, social media, healthcare, energy, and optimization.  the abstract is:

Local and global markets are changing more rapidly than ever before, and companies’ ability to predict those changes before they occur is vital.  Social media adds a faster component to CRM, loyalty programs, and web analytics data allowing detection algorithms with 3D visualizations in mobile devices.  The healthcare industry uses a boosting algorithm to improve care and disease management and to detect fraud.  The energy industry uses smart meters analytics to conduct virtual audits and real-time demand side management.  Predictive analytics intelligent agents are revolutionizing optimization issues in business analytics.

I would be very interested to gauge your interest in attending.

You'd be in excellent company. Confirmed Speakers Include:

- Alberto Roldan, Founder Business Analytics Group

- Senior Vice President, Analytics, Citi Bank

- Director, Marketing Analytics, National Geographic

- Director, Web & Mobile Analytics, USAA

- Director Data Insights, Dominos

- Director, Analytics, Manpower

If interested in attending contact me at:

1 comment:

Andrew said...

woow this i nice idea, is this can help us?

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