Sunday, January 30, 2011

What will be the state of Analytics in 2020?

This is a great survey by Bruno Aziza, Director of Worldwide Strategy BI at Microsoft.  Interesting is how people in the field recognize that embedded analytics is the future (30%).  In order for this to happen the optimization of predictive models in large data sets is a must in oder to automate the prioritization of the refreshing of the predictive models.  I have found that this optimization issue can be solved by using predictive analytics intelligent agents that can be embedded.  If you want ot hear more about this optimization solution (predictive analytics intelligent agents) whether embedded or not, please contact me at

Alberto Roldan

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Predictive Analytics Summit 2011: Innovations in Marketing Analytics, Social Media, Healthcare, Energy, and Optimization

I will be a feature speaker in the Predictive Analytics Innovation Summit 2011- San Diego – February, 24 & 25.   My topic will be innovation in marketing analytics, social media, healthcare, energy, and optimization.  the abstract is:

Local and global markets are changing more rapidly than ever before, and companies’ ability to predict those changes before they occur is vital.  Social media adds a faster component to CRM, loyalty programs, and web analytics data allowing detection algorithms with 3D visualizations in mobile devices.  The healthcare industry uses a boosting algorithm to improve care and disease management and to detect fraud.  The energy industry uses smart meters analytics to conduct virtual audits and real-time demand side management.  Predictive analytics intelligent agents are revolutionizing optimization issues in business analytics.

I would be very interested to gauge your interest in attending.

You'd be in excellent company. Confirmed Speakers Include:

- Alberto Roldan, Founder Business Analytics Group

- Senior Vice President, Analytics, Citi Bank

- Director, Marketing Analytics, National Geographic

- Director, Web & Mobile Analytics, USAA

- Director Data Insights, Dominos

- Director, Analytics, Manpower

If interested in attending contact me at:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Be Part of the Future and Not the Past

This article about a 14 year old that designed the most popular free app for iTunes, Bubble Ball, a "physics puzzle game" for Apple devices is an example of how companies should tune to the younger generation to thrive in this rapidly changing market conditions.  In my predictions for 2011 I emphasized the need for companies to listen to the 9-30 year old poluplation:

"Finally, my last prediction: in order to flourish and quickly adapt to changes in these rapidly changing economic times, we need to carefully listen to those that are our future. The examples from Siemens Competition (speech recognition technology), Gap (social media), and visualizations (web-based games) are common technologies used by the 9-to-30-year-old population. One of my main roles as an innovator is to listen to those voices and use my experience to provide guidance in implementing those new technologies and methodologies for businesses. A warning and advice to companies: listen carefully to those that represent our future. The future belongs to them, and our job is to provide guidance based on our experience."

Monday, January 17, 2011

Survey: midsize businesses investing heavily in analytics, cloud

This article summarizes the IBM surveys for midsized business and their investments in analytics.  Interestingly, companies will be buying the software but they will be needing help in the integration and implementation of analytics models.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A data mining approach for classifying DNA repair genes into ageing-related or non-ageing-related

This classification technique used for DNA genes is applicable to marketing analytics, including social media analytics.  The basic concept is that you separate your population into two different populations (i.e. control and experiment populations).  Then you profile both population and compared them by attributes.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Google’s Schmidt on Open Source and Health IT

We have developed a healthcare analytics predictive solution that includes care management, disease management, claims processing, utilization review, and fraud and abuse.  We have found that we can precisely identify and segment large populations using data mining and predictive modeling techniques.  Our solution is technology neutral can can be implemented using open source technologies.

If interested, please contact me at:


Smart grid analytics – a marketing opportunity

At Cognizant Technologies we developed a successful analytics models using a universe of 1.2 million smart meters.   We determine that we could accurately predict meter failures within a 30-45 days interval.  Also, we could predict meter outage, and spike in consumption within a -1 to -3 hours interval.  Our smart grid analytics solution is technology neutral and is applicable to any smart grid meters.  It is cost effective for electric utilities spending a couple of dollars per meter, and hence the ROI is high.

If you want more information please contact me at:

Sunday, January 09, 2011

By 2014, Shifts in Analytics Spending, BI Delivery

Gartner's prediction about the shift of spending in analytics from software vendors to integrators is a recognition that companies need experts for predictive modeling and data mining.  This is an important shift since in the past some companies thought that they only needed the software and not the expertise.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Why Is Facebook Worth $50 Billion? Check Out These Charts.

Check this article in Forbes.  A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article about trends in 2011 in business analytics.  One of the trends that I mentioned was the acceleration in change management that social media has introduced must be carefully managed using advanced business analytics techniques (See,  As you look at the charts in the Forbes article we must remember that Yahoo was incorporated in 1995, Google in 1998, and Facebook in 2004!

Monday, January 03, 2011

Top Conferences in Data Mining

This link is for the top conferences in data mining.

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